Join us on our annual fell run in Weardale. After an enforced absence in 2020 Derwentside A.C. and Dreaming Of The Fells are delighted to be back in 2021. A classic guided fell run in the North Pennines. Enjoy the scenery (if the weather is kind) and run at your own pace with our group leaders. Meet some old friends or make new ones while roaming our 7.5 mile route. After the run return to the Rookhope Village Hall for the buffet. Overall a sociable evening with some running thrown in. The Bolts Law Basher 2021 is a low key fun event but has limited numbers. Booking in advance is essential! Bribery in the form of food for the buffet also helps.
Our event is inspired by John Donneky Snr a long time member of Derwentside A.C.. John believed everyone should use fell running as part of their training to improve their fitness. This training helped John to some excellent performances especially in road running. After his untimely death in 2011 this event was created to leave a legacy for John and remind everyone to get out on those hills. Ten years later the message is as relevant as ever and the Bolts Law Basher is an important annual event for the club.

Find more information on the Bolts Law Basher and how to book on our events page
We hope you enjoyed reading about our preview of the “Bolts Law Basher 2021” event. Have you done the Bolts Law Basher? Do you have any queries about the event? Let us know in the comments below.
Read some of of other blog posts for more hilly adventures on