I’ve never understood the point of road races. Sweaty, gurning testosterone fuelled blokes running expensive races around a course designed by highways engineers. There is no fun or interest I have found in this type of running.
54 posts
A beautiful Summers day for the short trip to Dipton. A friendly welcome and a not so friendly course. A good turnout from Derwentside A.C. including those who knew what to expect and a few who had no idea.
Borrowdale Fell race was my return to hill racing after the Bob Graham round in June. My Old County Tops partner Dawn Metcalfe knew I had done this race and wanted to try it. Things didn't really go to plan.
With the government gently releasing the lockdown soon will motivation increase? Over the last year many runners and other athletes have found motivation difficult due to a number of factors. What are the problems with running motivation during Covid for everyone in the sport?